Turn Subscribers
into Substakers

Offer your members a way to support, collect, or pay natively with yield!

Substake is the way to set up a staking yield payment stream from depositors in a vault. Offer memberships, subscriptions, riskless community investment, donation pots and more by accepting native ETH yield.


Define service

Create your service and add some explanatory content for your individual landing page. Start here.


Create plans

Define your plans with corresponding staking levels and explain them to your subscribers


Open vault

Open your vault with Substake ans start collecting subscription fees

Once, your Vault is available, a link to its staking page will be issued. You can share this link with your community. This works as follows:


Potential depositors open your link and access the vault page


They chose an amount of stETH to deposit in your vault


Once deposited, they receive an NFT as a receipt of their deposit


That NFT can be used to get a certain role in your Discord using Collab.Land


The yield from your depositors can be claimed by you at anytime